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Website Copy & Design for
Health & Wellness Coaches
Ready to Go from
Surviving          Thriving.


Perfect match clients.

Making a difference.

And yes,

staying true to yourself!


Not happy with the way your website is performing? Want to know how you can improve its performance?


First off, you can find free website assessment tools on the web like this one and this one.


But when you’re ready for more than just numbers spit out on a page, I can help.

A thorough website assessment will answer questions like:

Is your site optimized to attract your target audience?

How well is your site set up for a good user experience?

How clear are your calls-to-action? Are they visible? Is it easy for visitors to take action?

Is your navigation and menu bar set up correctly for desktop and mobile sites?

And, while it's not a part of your website, we'll also review your Google Business Profile. Now more than ever, a correctly optimized profile is absolutely essential to your success.

Providing Solutions


Once we’ve gone through the site, I’ll provide you with a report that details what needs improvement and why.


It will be very clear and concise with proposed changes identified. I can help you implement these solutions. Or, you can do them.

Want to learn more about SEO web copy? Get more info on this page.

What is a Website Assessment for
Health & Wellness Coaches?

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