“In order for connection to happen, we have to allow ourselves to be seen. Really, truly deeply seen.” Brene Brown
I’m a diehard Blues fan. Muddy Waters. John Lee Hooker. Etta James. Howlin’ Wolf, Koko Taylor. I love them all!
Add a bass guitar that rattles my rib cage and a smoldering voice that screeches, whines, pleads, and begs, and I’m a happy woman.
The Blues. Hard luck stories on steroids.
But the funny thing is you can’t take a hard case of the blues and make that your marketing message—even if you know your story is a powerful one!
Why? Because good marketing is always about them (your target audience), not you.
Does that mean you shouldn’t talk about yourself. Far from it! You just need to know HOW to talk about yourself to create the connection your audience craves.
And it all starts with the difference between empathy and singing the blues.
“You Get Me!”: How to Use Genuine Empathy to Build a Bond
Absolutely nothing beats genuine empathy to build strong human connections, which is why straight up hard luck stories don’t work well in self-promotion.
But in marketing even empathy requires some finessing. As humans, we are hardwired for survival. That’s how we have survived for two millennia!
So, the question becomes…
How can you make your story their story and stay authentic?
It’s simple (but not easy.) You turn your story around to talk about their pain points—ones you have experienced yourself.
Show them you get what they are going through because you’ve been there, too! Make your story their story so that they say, “You get me!”
Fly Me to the Moon or Make Your Message Visual
I beg you, if you’re using insider jargon in your marketing message, stop now! It’s the quickest way to shut out a visitor who needs you.
Case in point. I know a very talented mental health therapist who advertises on his website that he uses integrative dialogue. But what does that mean? I have no idea!
If I didn’t already know how good he is at his work, I would skip down the digital list for another provider.
Always use words your prospect uses! (You can let them in on the insider language later when they become a client.)
Use descriptive words that help paint a picture of their pain and the transformation they want to see.
For pain, phrases like:
· Can’t fit into your favorite jeans anymore
· Mood swings that feel like the Incredible Hulk
· Sleepless nights that become sleep walking days
For transformation, the word “Imagine…” works well to guide the visitor to envision a better life for herself.
· Imagine a safe judgment-free space to just let go and heal
· Imagine no more midnight sugar cravings
Be Respectful of Their Work Place Culture
This is a biggie. For the audience you want to reach, what words feel reassuring? What words will be perceived as invasive?
In some work place environments, using the word “vulnerable” to describe a safe place to say what’s on your mind might be perceived as too threatening because the work environment sees vulnerability as a weakness.
But a safe space to be “open” about what the person is feeling may resonate deeply.
Be diligent about understanding your audience’s values and customs so you can reduce resistance, build connection, and trust.
This Self-Promotion Practice Makes People Want to Work With You
Showing up authentically and choosing to dig deep into what your audience really wants is the reason people will work with you.
Your website marketing is the gateway to building that trust and making a good living doing what you love.
One of my clients earned an additional $9,000 and gained 10 new clients 90 days after launching her site with spot-on messaging and proper search engine optimization.
The right message and the right search engine optimization yields results.
One last thing…
Don’t be clever. Don’t be cute. Do be clear.
People LOVE clarity! We’re all busy. Who’s going to take the time to figure out a clever statement?
Clarity is a connector. Be daring enough to speak plainly, using words your audience can relate to.
That’s the key to open-hearted self-promotion and winning over more of your perfect match clients!
Want some help with your health and wellness marketing message and website design? I love working with coaches to help them create an authentic message that helps them make a difference in the world! Set up a complimentary 30-minute consult with me today.