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Why Marketing Sucks

I know. I know. I know. I’ve been there. In the land of “What the hell do I do?”

That’s the beast called marketing (on a good day). But for most of us highly sensitive people on a mission to leave the world a better place, we just say it sucks.


It’s tough putting yourself out there. It’s tough finding what really works. It’s tough sticking with it when it feels like nothing is happening and you question your sanity.

Frustrated health & wellness coach
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The truth is just because you love what you do...

Doesn't mean the right vibe clients will magically find their way to your door.

But there is a way to stack the odds in your favor!

One way is to buy a marketing program. They do work, but many of these programs require a team effort. If you’re one person, it’s much harder to duplicate those results!


Who needs that frustration?

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The wisest marketing action step you can take sounds counter intuitive.

It's not about a plan. It's answering questions.

Your why–why are you doing this work?

Your audience’s pain points (what keeps them up at night?)

What’s keeping your audience from making changes in their lives?

What makes you uniquely positioned to help them get from unstuck to thriving?

But trying to figure out your marketing message so

that it makes sense leads to...

black woman overwhelmed

Analysis Paralysis

Where do I start? What do I say? What will attract my people?

Woman fearful of selling

Icky Selling

You don’t want to “sell” to your audience but you don’t know how to get them motivated to work with you.

black woman frustrated

Search Engine What?

It sounds like something from a sci-fi movie. So how are you going to make it work for you?

health coach confused about marketing

You Feel Stuck

You just don’t know how to do your messaging “right.”

Why put yourself through that?!


Instead, you can hire me to help you dig out the gold in your message.

Invest once and your message keeps on giving!

Your marketing message doesn’t have a shelf life. Your website might age but your message never does!


Your message is working for you even when you sleep.


You can repurpose parts of your website message to use in your marketing. media platforms that seem to change every 15 minutes, your website and its message are 100% yours! It doesn’t bow to the whims of a platform.


But there’s one more huge bonus…

Make More Money Just Being Your Authentic Self!

Like Denise Duffield-Thomas with her Money Bootcamp

She is constantly talking about money blocks, her own that she works on, and the blocks her audience faces.


Because of her authentic sharing, her deep knowledge of her audience, and her solution, Money Bootcamp, her products sell on autopilot even when she’s away from her website to the tune of millions of dollars.


But that’s not all.

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The right marketing message is the difference between weeding through people and attracting the ones you really want to work with.

Call in the people you vibe with most.

You know, the ones that light you up!


When you attract people in alignment with your values, they spread the word about your good work. 


And that helps you elevate your brand, establishing yourself as the authority in your niche. You can’t buy that kind of good press!

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An extra $100 per day...?

...for doing nothing different than you're already doing?

By crafting a compelling message and website design, Katrina Weiland, DC.’s  site brought in $9,000 in 90 days and 10 new clients after launching–and she was in a competitive market!

Read her case study here.


You can have that, too!

Compelling message. Compelling design. Website SEO.

Susan Vincent, Health & Wellness Writer

You just have to have some trust in me to deliver the goods. That’s why I recommend you set up a Trust Call with me.


Let’s see if we’re a good fit to work together. And you’ll get some free tips you can implement right away.


Get the right message. Grow a heart-centered business. Have a good life!

How to Talk About Yourself & Grow Your Business Without Turning Off Your Audience

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A cheat sheet that shows you the right way to talk about yourself, gain trust, and get the right clients.

Hi, Susan, I just wanted to say thanks for putting me on your email list. I took some time to read your article and it was great. I've been re-evaluating who I "listen" to the past couple of months and it's starting to pay off." Jen Robertson

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